100% cotton yarns, weaver’s pattern decoration
Sewn by: VÉGHNÉ NAGY Erzsébet
Photo: SULYOK Miklós
2000, Budapest, weaver, craf teacher
She graduated as a weaver from the Nádudvar Vocational School of Applied Folk Art in 2018. She also completed her studies as a ladies’ tailor in Debrecen and obtained a qualifcation as a teacher of folk games and crafs in 2022. As being a teacher of crafs, folk culture is an integral part of her everyday life, and weaving is therefore a means of self-expression for her. Her works are modern and spectacular, in line with today’s fashion, but also fulflling the requirements set for authentic objects. She received the folkTREND Award in the competition Living Folk Art of the National Exhibition of Folk Art in 2020-2021. In 2022, she was awarded a grant in the Hungarikum competition. Currently, she is participating in the “Master and Apprentice” programme under the guidance of master tailor Imre Stumpf.