
The wood-carver Hafner family

KALKÁN Mátyás (1929–1987)

Wearable Busho mask with four faces / 1965

limewood, ram horn, sheepskin

Photo: SULYOK Miklós


Wearable Busho mask / 2021

limewood, ram horn, sheepskin

Photo: SULYOK Miklós


Wearable children’s mask / 2022

limewood, sheep horn, sheepskin

Photo: SULYOK Miklós

VÖRÖS Viktor

Wearable Busho mask / 2021

red willow, sheep horn, sheepskin

Photo: SULYOK Miklós

The Hafner family has been carving wood for four generations. They make ‘Busó‘ carnival masks, which represent the main element of the costume of the Busós who dress up at the Busó carnival festivities in Mohács. ‘Busójárás’ is a centuries-old folk tradition of the Croatian (Sokác) ethnic group of Mohács, a celebration to feast of burying the winter, charming fertility and celebrating the prospect of spring.

Mátyás Kalkán (1929–1987) was the first in the family to become a master maker of Busó masks. He was awarded the title Master of Folk Art in recognition of his work in 1967. His masks are displayed in museums in various European countries. His grandson, Miklós Hafner, started working in his grandfather’s workshop as a secondary school pupil, using the tools left over from his grandfather’s workshop. He made his first mask in 1997 and has been carving them ever since. His works are regularly presented at national exhibitions. He was awarded a Gold Certificate at the Living Folk Art Exhibition in 2010, and in 2012 he was named Young Master of Folk Art.

Miklós’s mother, Mátyás Kalkán’s daughter, Mária Hafnerné Kalkán, started carving in 2007, following her son’s example. She was named Applied Folk Artist in 2012. She received a Silver Certificate at the 17th Living Folk Art Exhibition. Her works were presented at the 2015 World Expo in Milan and at the Hungarian Days in Düsseldorf in 2018 and 2019.

The fourth generation is represented by Mária’s grandson, 17-year-old Viktor Vörös. His first works were featured in the 13th National Youth Crafts Competition. 

Immortal Folk Tradition

Mihály Vetró – István Kolozsvári

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